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Spring 2018 Update

Local Planning Matters

Lillicroft Nurseries: EPF/2528/17.  The latest application to replace the existing wooden dwelling with a bungalow more than four times the existing size has been refused by EFDC.  TBAG submitted a strong objection to this proposal as it is ‘inappropriate development’ in the Green Belt according to National Planning Policy.

Land adjacent to Gun Cottages:  EPF/0102/18.  TBAG raised an objection to an application for a retrospective change of use of this stable to ‘B8 storage and distribution’.  We have highlighted the earlier attempt to get a change of use to residential, which was refused by both EFDC and the Planning Inspector, largely on the grounds of harm to the Green Belt and landscape character and, significantly, contrary to a Condition imposed in the original planning permission restricting use of this stable to private stabling only and not for any commercial or business activity (including livery).  It is hoped that EFDC will honour the original condition and subsequent decisions and not permit this change to business use.

Macris House:  EPF/3321/16.  An application for conversion of the care home into eleven flats was finally refused by EFDC.  TBAG raised an objection to this application in January 2017.  The grounds of refusal were: (1) impact on the Green Belt; (2) loss of community facility and loss of employment; and (3) not being within a sustainable location or adequately incorporating principles of energy conservation or sustainable design.

EFDC Local Plan – December 2017

TBAG felt disappointed that our Local Authority only provided the minimal six week consultation period for consideration of the Submission Version of the Local Plan 2017 (SVLP) because this period included one week of Christmas holidays when EFDC offices were closed.  During this closure, it was impossible to obtain hard copies of the Plan document(s) which were not available until the New Year (2018).  The Submission Version of the Local Plan, together with its Appendices, totalled some 510 pages and this was in addition to the voluminous evidence base documents which are only available on-line or at the Council Offices.  TBAG was also disturbed to see that this consultation was not given the same level of publicity as had been given to the earlier Issues & Options and Draft Local Plan consultations, when leaflets, road-shows and talks were given to reach out to all residents.  EFDC appeared to be rushing to get this plan submitted for Examination in Public before the 31 March 2018 deadline*, under threat from Central Government of even greater housing targets (an additional 9,000 houses) being gratuitously imposed.

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