Why an Action Group?
Theydon Bois Action Group (TBAG) was formed in the Summer of 2005, at the suggestion of Theydon Bois Parish Council. TBAG has never been against the development of a golf course, however a group of local residents was concerned about the damage to the local environment caused by an excessive number of heavy goods vehicles on the Abridge Road en route to dump landfill on Blunts Farm.
- Theydon Bois Action Group campaigns locally on issues which affect our village and threaten the Green Belt.
- We have campaigned on issues affecting Theydon Bois, Epping Forest and have supported communities in other parts of Essex as well as nationally to help halt the methodology of landfill for golf course construction.
- We were granted third party status by the Planning Inspectorate in the appeal by Blunts Farm Estates Limited against Enforcement Notices issued by EFDC. We were consultees on the DEFRA consultation on Revised Waste Exemptions from Environmental Permitting.
- We researched and wrote the response for Theydon Bois to the Consultation on Options: Development Plan Provision for Gypsies and Travellers in Epping Forest District that was endorsed by 700 residents.
- We responded to the Secretary of State’s Proposed Changes to the Draft Policy on Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation.
- We have responded to the East of England Plan and to A consultation on draft environmental permitting guidance – exempt waste operations. Three of our members are also members of Theydon Bois Village Design Statement Association.
- We have objected to many planning applications in the Green Belt locally and successfully complained to the Local Government Ombudsman.
- Through our campaigning to halt the abuse of Landfill Tax and planning legislation, we have met with Members of Parliament, the Chairman of the Environment Agency and the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Department of Energy and Climate Change. Articles have appeared in local and national press, television and radio. Through our extensive local emailing list, we have alerted the village to the planned motocross meetings at Blunts Farm as well as the Development Plan Provision for Gypsies and Travellers in Theydon Bois. We are members of the National Organisation of Residents Associations.
- Three members of TBAG were delighted to be formally elected onto Theydon Bois Parish Council in May 2008, however In April 2010 two members resigned.