Category Archives: LSCC

The London Stansted Cambridge Corridor (LSCC) and Harlow & Gilston Garden Town

The greatest threats to our Green Belt since the Metropolitan Green Belt was established in 1955

TBAG would like to reiterate that we are not a political organisation or affiliated to any political party.  However, it should be recognised that it is the incumbent political party of the day that have their hand on the tiller when it comes to steering the fate of our Green Belt in Theydon Bois.  TBAG will react to extant party policies and action taken by any party which does not accord with TBAG’s aim to protect the Green Belt.  TBAG will praise (not support) any political body that concurs with our mission statement which is fundamentally to protect the Green Belt around our village but we will not shrink from criticising any political organisation of whatever complexion that does not actively and effectively seek to protect the Green Belt.

Why is protection of the Green Belt so important for Theydon Bois?

Theydon Bois and its village character are dependent on our surrounding Green Belt.  This is what makes Theydon the special place we all enjoy living in.  If the Green Belt boundaries around our village are altered to allow for development, Theydon Bois will be changed forever.  It will no longer be a village but will soon become a town.

The Bigger Picture – The London Stansted Cambridge Corridor

Were you aware that a strategic partnership of Local Government, the Greater London Authority, several further and higher education institutions, the private sector and developers, grandly named The London Stansted Cambridge Consortium (LSCC) was formed in 2013?  The Consortium’s primary aim is to develop a brown field wedge, with housing, industry and associated infrastructure, reaching out from Central London and along the M11 corridor to Cambridge. One of its effects will be to seriously erode the Green Belt in Epping Forest District.  See and the map at showing Theydon Bois in the middle of the southern end of the area.  A series of such wedges or ‘spokes’ are envisaged to pierce through the London Metropolitan Green Belt in all directions and the London Stansted Cambridge Corridor (‘LSCC’ is also used to represent the ‘Corridor’) will pass right through Epping Forest District.  Harlow & Gilston, as a new Garden Town, is described as being at the ‘heart of the corridor’ and ‘lying in the core area of the LSCC’.

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