Autumn 2019 Update

Local Planning Matters

Theydon Bois Action Group (TBAG) continues to have a good ‘track record’ for successfully objecting to inappropriate developments in the Green Belt.

Three recent Appeal dismissals

Hydes Riding School, Abridge Road/Coopersale Lane – The Planning Inspector (PI) has dismissed the Appeal (Ref:3215238) which included plans to build a 24-hour security hut on this Green Belt site. TBAG had made an additional representation to the PI.

Blunts Farmhouse (now Ivy House), Coopersale Lane – Appeal (Ref:3226161) was also dismissed by the Planning Inspector. He agreed with comments made by Epping Forest District Council and local interest groups, including TBAG, that the unlawful decking and footpath were harmful urban encroachments into the Green Belt.

Lillicroft Nurseries, Abridge Road – TBAG submitted a strong objection to thePlanning Inspector regarding this proposal to build a replacement, and much larger, bungalow deeper within the Nursery site. The Planning Inspector dismissed the Appeal (Ref:3218732) as he considered this would be harmful to the openness of the Green Belt.

Applications awaiting decision

Mossford Green Nursery, Abridge Road – Awaiting a decision by EFDC regarding an application (EPF/3379/18), recently amended with a reduction to 17 dwellings. TBAG submitted a strong objection to this proposed residential development on an isolated Green Belt site.

Blunts Farm, Coopersale Lane – TBAG has submitted a strong objection to a new application (EPF/0597/19) to build 3 new dwellings in place of agricultural buildings at Blunts Farm. This proposal would clearly contravene Local Plan Policies and the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework. Two similar applications for new dwellings were refused by EFDC in 2013 and 2016. An appeal against refusal of the 2013 application was also dismissed by the Planning Inspector.

Piggotts Farm, Abridge Road – An application (EPF/1656/19) has been submitted for plans to build 6 new dwellings in place of 8 agricultural barns. Again, TBAG has submitted a strong objection on clear Green Belt Policy grounds. Farms and nurseries tend to be on rather remote or isolated locations. This makes them unsuitable and unsustainable for new residential development, which also spreads urban encroachment into the Green Belt.

Examination in Public (EiP) of Epping Forest District Council’s (EFDC) Local Plan            

Following the final hearing session of the Examination of Epping Forest District Council’s proposed new Local Plan on the 11th June 2019, the Planning Inspector produced her Advice and Interim Findings on the 2nd August, detailing what changes (Main Modifications -MM’s) are required to be made in order for the Plan to be found sound.  TBAG is pleased that the Inspector has asked for changes to be made to Policy DM12 – Subterranean, Basement Development on which the Chairman spoke at the Hearing.  We disagreed that basements should be allowed to be built under 50% of the garden area and argued that further restrictions should also be made on Green Belt land.  We were also pleased that EFDC accepted the need for the inclusion of Protected Lanes, such as Coopersale Lane, in Policy DM7 – Heritage Assets.  We are disappointed that the Inspector appears to allow EFDC to omit individual, specific Green Belt Policies and solely use the Government’s own Green Belt directives in their National Planning Policy Framework.  However, in the light of this, we expect EFDC to recognise and confirm the importance and significance of our Green Belt boundary, being the railway line and its embankment, as this fully complies with Government Policy on Green Belt boundaries.  We look to our elected representatives to ensure that this happens.